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Here's your first look at the new IP MAN 2 poster, starring the great Donnie Yen!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with the debut of the one-sheet for IP MAN 2, Donnie Yen's sequel following in the shoes of the man who brought Wing Chun to China and taught Bruce Lee. I saw the film at the Fantasia Film Festival and loved it. It's almost wall to wall fights and seeing it with a crowd made all the difference as those crazy French-Canadians went ballistic during the film, making it feel like I was at a real fighting championship or something. The poster is below and is pretty much Donnie Yen standing there looking like someone you don't want to mess with. There's a great chop-socky design that can be pulled from this movie and I hope the marketing department is smart enough to really show off how fun this movie is with a crazy design. If not, I'm sure fans will do it after the movie has been released. Here you go!

The flick sees domestic release in January and it's super fun. If only for the Sammo Hung/Donnie Yen tabletop fight, you must see this big. That fight is one of my favorite action set pieces since Ong Bak. -Quint Follow Me On Twitter

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