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Check Out This Cool YouTube Channel Dedicated To 1980's FLASH GORDON Movie!!

Merrick here...
This Sunday will mark the 30th Anniversary (!?!?) of the Dino De Laurentiis produced, Mike Hodges directed FLASH GORDON big-screen adaptation. You know, the one with music by music by Queen and Howard Blake . Interestingly, there's now a YouTube channel dedicated to the film. What's cool here is that the channel isn't merely a celebration of the movie. Instead, it's a detailed exploration of differences you'll find in various versions of the picture. It even features Queen-scored sequences re-purposed with Howard Blake's score (that had been dropped from said sequences) to give us a sense of what those moments might've felt like with full orchestral backing. Find it all HERE! If you're like me and can't repress your love for this film despite your better instincts, you might enjoy some of the material you'll find on the channel quite a bit - so check it out. Also, the movie recently made its debut on Blu-Ray (find it HERE) - in a singularly uncerimonious release that resulted in many folks not knowing it was even available on the format. So, know you know. This movie is such glorious madness - it's like that big, bloated, cheesy, gaudy woman that a man should under no circumstances be attracted to - but just can't help springing a woody for. You know what I'm talking about. You know you do...

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