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An Original 35mm 1933 Print of KING KONG has been discovered... what this means?

Hey folks, Harry here and in the past few weeks, just how bad the situation is regarding showable 35mm prints of great films has been underlined for me. In trying to program this year's BUTT-NUMB-A-THON, I had a specific mission in mind for this year's fest. Moreso, than in any other BNAT's history. As I usually do, I have the Drafthouse team a list of films to find. Only to find most of the titles... had no prints that were attainable by a theater with the highest archival rating you can get... which allows the Drafthouse to screen films from the great archives... and that's when we started having to call film print collectors to see, "Have you ever heard of a 35mm print of....?" One such inquiry was met with a, "Wow... no." And the person I was asking was one of the foremost collectors of the genre in question, that this film is like in the top 5 of the geekiest sub-genre of this awesome genre... But, yeah. Nope. We found a 16mm print, and I'm still hopeful of locating at 35mm print... but it is hard. Then you have a film like KING KONG. How on Earth could it even vaguely be hard to find an original, pre-code - edited print of KING KONG? It was & remains one of the highest grossing films of all time, in adjusted dollars & pure admissions. But, censorship came down upon the film. Prints were edited and destroyed. KONG became too radical, too hard for the times it was made for. Now, the version of KING KONG on BluRay, from everything I know is a complete film. And the print is immaculate. And the 35mm print that the BluRay was taken from is even better. BUT - now there's a newly found print. This will not have the lost Spider & Lizard canyon scene in it, at least probably it won't. That would be mind boggling, but was never in any prints that my friends that were alive at the initial release of KING KONG in 1933, have ever told me. That Ray Harryhausen has never seen this scene, underlines how lost it really is. But for now, news like this gets me giddy, because until the print screens - we don't know how different it could be. But it is news worth celebrating. Click here to read about the original 1933 KING KONG print being found.

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