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Depp As Sparrow Visits A London Primary School!! But Who Would Win A Playground Fight Between Captain Jack And Captain Kirk??

Merrick here... I love this kind of thing... Seems Johnny Depp showed up in a London primary school (donning full pirate attire and in character as Captain Jack Sparrow) in answer to a message he'd received from a nine year old student there asking Captain Jack to lead a mutiny against teachers. Yes, this story would be far more interesting if Captain Jack had actually laid siege to the school, expedited said mutiny, or whisked the girl away to the PIRATES 4 set. Imagine a parent's response to that uncomfortable and awkward phone call from the school: "Your daughter has been kidnapped by Captain. Jack. Sparrow." Still, this is cool. A publicity stunt? Absolutely. But a damn fun one, an admirable and classy move by Mister Depp, and most certainly a magical moment that the kids in that school will never, ever forget. Here's Depp amongst the kids, backed by other members of his pirate crew.
More on the matter can be found HERE at BBC.
This photo of the encounter...
...comes from CBBC's Newsround.
Lucky kid. When I was around that age, Id' have given anything for Captain Kirk to show up on the playground and beat the crap out of those punk-ass miscreants who kept stealing and breaking my color-changing pens. Years later, I was shocked, disappointed, and thoroughly deflated to learn that Captain Kirk does, indeed, appear to kids on playgrounds- but had never come to mine! I mean...what the fuck?


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