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Sherlock Holmes scribe coming aboard Chris Pine's Jack Ryan flick!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. THR's Heat Vision Blog has an update on the pending Jack Ryan reboot at Paramount starring Chris Pine. Anthony Peckham, screenwriter of INVICTUS, THE BOOK OF ELI and SHERLOCK HOLMES, has been brought on to spruce up Adam Cozad's script for the newest Jack Ryan adventure, set in Russia Jack Ryan's earlier career. I'm no expert on Tom Clancy's books, but in the movie universe I'd imagine this has to be around the same time period of The Hunt For Red October, yeah? LOST's Jack Bender will be directing. I dug all the previous versions of the character on film, including Alec Baldwin, Harrison Ford and Ben Affleck's take, so I guess I'm not all that reactionary about the studio wanting to reboot the franchise. I like Pine, he's got a lot of charisma and can handle an action scene. Peckham's a professional and it really seems like Paramount is eye-balling this as a big moneymaker for them, so it'll have the resources to kick some ass. Let's see how it comes together. -Quint Follow Me On Twitter

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