Ain't It Cool News (

It Is Official: After 25 Years,
Larry King’s CNN Timeslot Goes
To Piers Morgan In January!!

I am – Hercules!! Piers will also continue to spend his summers judging “America’s Got Talent.” His statement as regards taking over the slot King has held on CNN for a quarter century:
“I am thrilled to be joining CNN, and very much looking forward to bringing my own style of interviewing to the world’s biggest, and best, TV news organization,” Morgan said. “As a young journalist in Britain, I watched CNN’s astonishing live coverage of the 1991 Gulf War, and felt enthralled by the courage and brilliance of the journalists involved in that coverage. Years later, I watched Anderson Cooper’s visceral reports from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, and felt equally enthralled by his passionate and relentless search for the truth. Perhaps most pertinently, I have watched Larry King Live for much of the last 25 years, and dreamed of one day filling the legendary suspenders of the man I consider to be the greatest TV interviewer of them all.”
Morgan has a background as newspaper editor and TV interview in the United Kingdom. (I think he’s also somehow Donald Trump’s apprentice?) King, who announced his abdication in June, will oversee the final cablecast of “Larry King Live” on Dec. 16. Find all of the Hollywood Reporter’s story on the matter here.
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