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Mr. Plinkett's at it again! This time he discusses JJ Abrams' Star Trek!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here with the latest from the infamous Mr. Plinkett of Red Letter Media. You probably know Mr. Plinkett from his epic, hilarious and surprisingly insightful reviews of The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. I'm a little behind the curve on this on and it's posting a little late, but it can't pass by without a mention. I'm packing for a trip to London... I leave for the airport in about 2 hours, yet I still sat down and watched all 70-ish minutes of Plinkett's review of JJ Abrams' Star Trek. You either love the dude's random, non-PC humor or you find him grating and offensive. I'm in the former camp. And I love JJ Abrams' Star Trek. Sure, it's filled with a bucket-load of convenience, but the pacing, action, casting and character dynamics work so well that I'm for the whole enchilada. Surprisingly, Plinkett and I are very close on our opinions when it comes to JJ's Trek. Here's the man to give you a good laugh on this lazy Sunday afternoon! Enjoy!

-Quint Follow Me On Twitter

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