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Is The List Of Potential WOLVERINE 2 Directors Narrowing Down??

Merrick here...
THIS piece over at Deadline says that the search for a WOLVERINE 2 director has been narrowed down to two contenders - David Slade (30 DAYS OF NIGHT and THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE) and Darren Aronofsky (THE WRESTLER, THE FOUNTAIN, the forthcoming BLACK SWAN). Deadline theorizes that David Slade may be in the lead at this point. I'd be inclined to immediately dismiss talk of Aronofsky, but we've heard rumors of his interest in several genre(ish) projects - like the ROBOCOP remake that never got made - so we know he's at least interested in finding his way into a project like this. Also, as Deadline properly notes, the value Jackman and of Aronofsky's FOUNTAIN-based relationship may well play into the decision making process here. Interesting possibilities to be sure.
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