Ain't It Cool News (

Images Emerge From
Jamie Bamber’s Latest
Space Show, OUTCASTS!!

I am – Hercules!! The BBC is mounting an 8-episode sci-fi series created by “MI-5” writer Ben Richards and starring Jamie Bamber, who played Battlestar Galactica’s Lee Adama. Set in 2040, “Outcasts” follows interplanetary settlers who have lost contact with Earth. Smells like “Earth 2” to me, and a newly released set of production photos does little to dissuade me. It’s headed to BBC America in December. Find more of those photos at
Follow Herc on Twitter!! Follow Evil Herc on Twitter!!
“Battlestar: Galactica” on Blu-ray, $244.99 last month, has momentarily fallen to $132.99!! That works out to Less Than $33.25 Per HD Season!! 56% Off!!
85 Blu-rays Under $10!!

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