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'Here is where the nerdyness begins...' LordAcoustic Has TRONGasms At Flynn's Arcade!!

Merrick here...
An AICN reader named LordAcoustic went on a grand, TRON-related adventure at this year's Comic-Con - culminating in a badass shindig at Flynn's Arcade. The joyous enthusiasm you can feel in his writing and see on his face is priceless - we really wanted to share his story with you. Here's the tale of LordAcoustic, in his own words...
After getting up at 2:30 in the morning to get in line for Hall H events, my friend, my wife, and I got to experience the Tron: Legacy panel in all its glory. We got wicked awesome seats and had a blast with all of the events the Tron people had planned for us (Quint’s review sums it up better than I ever could). After all the excitement of Tron, we all leave Hall H, sit down, relax and plan our next event. When suddenly I receive a tweet from OperationTron. Before I go on, let me go back a bit. I’ve been following this viral marketing campaign like crazy. I’ve gotten pins, badges, postcards and other swag that have all come as a result of participating in this viral marketing campaign. If I understand it correctly, the company running the viral marketing for Tron, 42E, is the same company that ran the viral marketing campaign for The Dark Knight. Whenever 42E is marketing a movie, I lose sleep, lose friends, and become one of the least productive people on earth. Needless to say, I love this shit. With that being said, OperationTron is a username on Twitter used by the people doing the Tron Viral Marketing and I have their tweets sent directly to my phone as a text message. So I receive this tweet “4 – Rendezvous with the Flynn Lives operative waiting at the second location.” We had no earthly idea what it meant. All of a sudden, my phone gets 4 more tweets. “1 – We wil be sending our location pairs via twitter” ; “2 – When directed proceed safely to the first designated location and photograph yourself next to the Tron artifact you will find there” ; “3 – IMPORTANT: Photos must only have 1 person in them to qualify. Photos must clearly show your face” ; “5 – Those who complete the mission, earn access to an exclusive event.” After receiving these notifications, we all run out of the convention center and into the streets of San Diego waiting for our next text message. And then it comes: “Photograph Yellow Light Cycle @ 4th and J then proceed to 2nd and J. 32 packets available.” The race was on and I’m not kidding when I say race. All of a sudden, portions of the crowd break free from the “nerd herd” inhabiting the front of the convention center and sprint towards and unknown destination. We break away as well and run toward the location that we put into my iPhone. We reach 4th and J and take pictures of ourselves with the Light Cycle.
We then proceed to run down the addition two blocks and receive and awesome package. We got a Disk with wristbands and a secret memory stick that contains the new Tron: Legacy Trailer on it. The wrist bands said “7.22 10PM 6th Street BTWN J&K.”
The Tron people did at least 6 more iterations of this, giving around 200 more wristbands to the event. Seeing as Hall H was filled to capacity (6500) and they were only giving out 200 or so of these wristbands, we were excited beyond belief. After our last official event on Thursday, listening to Penn talk about how all of the skin on his scrotum came off, we headed down to the location around 9PM. As expected, there was already a pretty decent line there, but we were decently early, got in line, and waited. We got inside Flynn’s Arcade around 10:30. And here is where the nerdyness begins, especially for me. Right as we are being let inside, a bus arrives from what I suspect was the press bus from the Scott Pilgrim screening. I saw Drew McWeeny and others get off the bus and head in with us. Inside was fucking incredible. It. Was. Flynn’s. Arcade. When you walked in they gave you coins for each of the games in this awesome little Tron plastic coin purse. On either side you had these old arcade games from Tron: Kraz-Bot!, Vice Squad, D-Con 4, Astro Gunner, Arc Wars, Space Paranoids, and, of course, Tron. After about 5 minutes of perusing, audio from the movie came on and the Tron arcade moved out of the way to reveal a hallway. At the end of this hallway, we find Flynn’s office. Once everyone was inside his office, more voiceover and let into the the main room.
This room was fucking incredible. Disney outdid themselves. It was like we entered the Tron universe. We were surrounded by "programs" serving beverages to everyone. The entire place was lit up and synced with the music. The music, it seemed, was from the OST. I LOVE DAFT PUNK and listening their new music was one of the highlights of the evening. Both Joseph Kosinski (Director)...
...and Bruce Boxleitner (Alan Bradley/Tron) were there. And when I mean there, I mean talking to people in the audience.
It was mind blowing. I barely had any energy to get up this morning because of how much I nerdgasmed last night.

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