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Capone takes a ride down Thunder Road and belts out a tune or two with GREASE Sing-A-Long!!!

Grease Sing-a-Long

Hey, everyone. Capone in Chicago here. This isn't a full-blown review of this film, but I didn't want to let this re-release sneak by without at least a mention for those of you who have the opportunity to see it. How do you even review a film like this? The GREASE soundtrack was one of the first albums I ever purchased. I never miss an opportunity to see this 1978 movie on the big screen, and if I were you, I wouldn't miss seeing this limited run that includes a really fun sing-a-long feature with fun, animated subtitles on the screen during every original song. I loved hearing the audience sing all the mildly vulgar, retro tunes that I know by heart and might have sung along to regardless of the occasion. If you can see GREASE Sing-a-Long with a mostly gay audience--as I did here in Chicago last week--prepare yourself for a wickedly entertaining experience. Look, you either don't care about this at all, or you understand why this is one of the most exciting movie events of this summer. I never cease to be amazed at just how damn gorgeous Olivia Newton John was at this time in her life. Or how funny John Travolta can be when he sets his mind to it. In a lot of ways, offerings like "Glee" or the HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL films could not have existed without a film like GREASE. The idea of 20- and 30-somethings playing high school students seems a little less ridiculous when accompanied by a bopping soundtrack. Anyway, I had a terrific time watching Grease again, and you will too. End of story. Love to know what you guys think…
-- Capone Follow Me On Twitter

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