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Movie News

How bad is MGM off right now?

Hey folks, Harry here and this whole situation with MGM is just so incredibly aggravating to folks like us. First off - all the problems with HOBBIT lead back to their mismanagement of that company. NOW... Apparently all development on the next James Bond flick is dead. They've actually fucked MGM up so much that right now, they've canned development of a new JAMES BOND film. And - is it because the public doesn't want a James Bond film? Is it because nobody wants to make a JAMES BOND movie? No. This is 100% because other than JAMES BOND, MGM cornholed LEO and didn't leave an envelope bedside. That's right - MGM is so royally fucked, that we're very much in danger of not seeing what SAM FUCKING MENDES was gonna do with a James Bond film from Peter Morgan, the writer of FROST/NIXON. At least now we can all uniformly scream and bitch and moan that someone, somewhere needs to buy MGM so the world can be righted. And whoever you are. LOVE MAKING MOVIES and run the company from that perspective. Not to sell off pieces of the company to support continual bad filmmaking practices. Not to create casinos. Not to sell off a backlot. But to MAKE MOVIES. That's the best possible purpose for MGM. And we need them to make movies and to continue to roar about it.

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