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So, FURY ROAD Leads To FURIOSA?? Two MAD MAX Films On The Way??

Merrick here...
We've been hearing for a while that George Miller was ramping up to make a new MAD MAX movie; Tom Hardy (the new Max) recently indiacted the project would be a complete reboot, as opposed to the post-THUNDERDOME sequel we'd heard it might be. But one question lingered: why are people close to the picture saying that it has a nine month shooting schedule (HERE)? Our buddies over at Twitch may've found that answer. It isn't taking Miller nine months to film one MAD MAX movie - he's making two of 'em.
Twitch has just learned that George Miller is working on not one but TWO new Mad Max films, the duo slated to be shot back to back. The title already known to the public is Mad Max: Fury Road and word is that Fury Road will be followed immediately by Mad Max: Furiosa.
...says Twitch HERE. Seems the idea is to release these movies pretty close together. This said, the Collider piece linked above posits another huge question. Tom says his Max will look like...
“Imagine a hungry wolf. Or like when you put a cat in the bath. You grab a cat by the throat and stuff it under the fucking water. You know what it looks like? That’s what I’m going to look like. "
What does that even mean? And, what the hell has Tom Hardy been doing to cats?
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