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Sean Penn As A Surfer Guy?? Will We Ever Believe That Casting??

Merrick here...
Sean Penn is ramping up a project based on the life of surfing god Dorian "Doc" Paskowitz.
Penn will produce a film based on the eccentric Paskowitz and his family and is eyeing the untitled project as a starring vehicle. [EDIT] Paskowitz became a cult hero for abandoning a successful medical practice and hitting the road in a camper with his wife and nine children. Family founded the first surf camp in the continental U.S.
...says Variety HERE. Paul Feldsher will script the film, which will also be produced by Alan and Gabe Polsky (BAD LIEUTENANT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS). Back in 2007, Paskowitz and his family were the subjects of a documentary called SURFWISE.
The film is currently available via Netflix streaming, or can be found HERE. Looks pretty interesting, I can totally see this working as a feature...
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