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Merrick again... Frank Marshall has responded to Stuff's INDY 5 plotline story (linked below) via his Twitter stream.
The rumor about INDY 5 is completely false. Nothing has changed, we are not shooting next year and still in the research phase...
Might've been grand not to let the story hang in the ether for over 24 hours (which is a dangerous eternity on The Net), but there you have it...

Merrick here...
An award winning New Zealand news site called Stuff has a scoop about the next INDIANA JONES adventure. While the info below can't be confirmed at this time, it's important to remember the past...many scoops of this nature (from far more unlikely sources) have proven to be 100% accurate. So, don't take this to the bank quite yet...but nor should you dismiss it until we've received some sort of official denial about the following. As such, note that there are POSSIBLE SPOILER AHEAD!!
Indiana Jones 5 will begin shooting next year, and much of the plot line will be centered around the Bermuda Triangle, an area over the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft are said to have disappeared. "George (Lucas) and Steven (Spielberg) have been working on a script and it's almost there," a source explained. "Harrison is on stand-by for filming next year. This looks like being an emotional and exciting conclusion to the franchise, with Indy facing his biggest challenge yet." [EDIT] "Shia LaBeouf has a central role again as Indy's son but this will be a blockbuster made in the old fashioned way rather than the CGI efforts of the last movie," the source added.
...says Stuff HERE. A big thanks to Warren for pointing us towards the news - it'll be interesting to see how this plays out. If this happens, I'm not sure what to think about The Bermuda Triangle being involved, although I suspect the story wouldn't hinge on The Triangle itself as much as the oddness/possibilities within it. For a brief moment, I thought KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL was gonna zap Indy & Co. to another dimension during its finale (it felt like they were setting up that possibility). Perhaps something along those lines might happen here? By the way, I'm gonna take this moment to once again steer you towards a very interesting book abouit the making of the four INDY films to date: THE COMPLETE MAKING OF INDIANA JONES by J.W. Rinzler (available HERE). Rinzler's the same dude who brought us the even more amazing MAKING OF STAR WARS (HERE) and will soon be giving THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK the same treatment. If you haven't ever taken a look at these books and you Geek for these movies, consider doing so. They're nice. Hope someone wakes up Harrison this time...
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