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FIELD OF DREAMS and SNEAKERS writer to pen a JJ Abrams produced heist flick!?!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Now this is exciting news. Sorry, AsimovLives... I actually like Abrams' and I love a good heist movie. Especially if it's a fun, balls-out heist flick written by Phil Alden Robinson, who wrote and directed the great and underseen SNEAKERS. Heat Vision has the story. No word if Abrams is going to direct (right now he's just producing via Bad Robot), but I think he's a bit busy. Super 8 looks to be leading in to Trek 2... unless he passes that one up, too, but I wouldn't expect that. This heist flick will revolve around a crew that attempted the biggest diamond heist in history. They were Italians looking to lift over $100 million worth of diamonds from a vault in Belgium. I'm in. And hey, if Abrams decides to stay on only as producer we know the writer is pretty good at directing these here typesa flicker shows, yeah? -Quint Follow Me On Twitter

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