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What would TOY STORY 3 look like if Disney put it out in 1935? Wonder no more!

Hey folks, Harry here and this isn't a story about anything new. Instead it is about something that's 75 years old this year. In 1935, Walt Disney made a Silly Symphonies called BROKEN TOYS - it is a Silly Symphony that I've never seen and I've tried to watch about as many of the classic Disney cartoons as I can get my beady little eyes upon. This is a story about a dump where old broken toys are disposed of along with the other refuge of society. This could very well have been an early outline of TOY STORY 3. The toys are being thrown away and they have to find a new place in the world. Now... Here's a warning. This is a cartoon made in 1935. As a result there is imagery that is likely to be offensive to some. In particular, the Stepin Fetchit toy, based upon the famous 1930's actor known as Stepin Fetchit (go visit his star at 1751 Vine Street in Hollywood). This is an incredible physical comedian that was amazing to watch, but his act became the basis for an incredibly hurtful stereotype that... well... it is what it is. But in the cartoon you have tons of 30's era star cameos and fun. Honestly, I just thought if I haven't seen it - then there was a good chance that many of you haven't as well. I'm getting excited about TOY STORY 3 and just thought a little Disney History with animated toys would be fun. I hope you enjoy:

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