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Official PIRANHA 3-D Trailer Churns Up Trouble For Richard Dreyfuss And Christopher Lloyd!

Beaks here...

Now here's a remake I can support. The official theatrical trailer for Alexandre Aja's PIRANHA 3-D has just debuted at Yahoo! Movies, and it appears to be true in spirit to the campy tone of Joe Dante's lovable, low-budget original (if a wee bit sillier). Will I miss the great Kevin McCarthy as the panicked doctor who warns us about the particularly lethal nature of the fish? Of course. But I'll happily accept Christopher Lloyd hamming it up in his place. Let's take a look...
I love how the piranha stop on a dime in front of their prey before pouncing. Feels very Looney Tunes. I suspect Dante approves. The Weinstein Company releases PIRANHA 3-D into the wild on August 27th, 2010.

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