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James Cameron To Explore The Ocean Of Pandora In AVATAR 2!

Beaks here...

With the AVATAR Blu-ray/DVD release coming this Thursday, James Cameron sat down with the L.A. Times' "Hero Complex" blog to talk about the film's ongoing cultural influence, whether there will be a theatrical rerelease (there will, in August, with an additional six-minutes of material), and how he'll make the return trip to Pandora unique. The last bit of information is particularly interesting, and it should come as no surprise that Cameron plans to go underwater in AVATAR 2. Here's the key excerpt...
We created a broad canvas for the environment of film. That’s not just on Pandora, but throughout the Alpha Centauri AB system. And we expand out across that system and incorporate more into the story – not necessarily in the second film, but more toward a third film. I’ve already announced this, so I might as well say it: Part of my focus in the second film is in creating a different environment – a different setting within Pandora. And I’m going to be focusing on the ocean on Pandora, which will be equally rich and diverse and crazy and imaginative, but it just won’t be a rain forest. I’m not saying we won’t see what we’ve already seen; we’ll see more of that as well.
Cameron also states that he'd like to make the sequel in half the time at half the price, but will settle for reducing both by twenty-five percent. Good luck with that.

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