Ain't It Cool News (


I am – Hercules!!

My bold predicition for tonight’s season finale of “Undercover Boss”: An executive will learn his employees do hard work, then he’ll go to the lunchroom to hear about his supervisor’s pre-screened personal struggle, then he’ll help rectify that problem, then he’ll stand on a riser surrounded by balloons as dozens of people whose livelihoods he controls laugh and cheer him. Then “Cold Case” will come on. Tonight brings the season finale for “Undercover Boss.” When the reality hit resumes production, blue collar employees all over the United States will have to pretend they don’t know the middle-aged white guy they’re training – the one being followed by a camera crew – is their company’s CEO. So that should be fun. Nine weeks into its run “Undercover Boss” is still the most popular show on Sunday night. Two other reality shows, “Amazing Race” and “Celebrity Apprentice,” were tied for second:
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* “Sons of Tucson” hit a new series low and Fox rewarded it with a swift cancellation. Tyler Labine had already signed on to a new pilot by the time he got the news. That’s not a joke. * HBO’s “Pacific” hit a series low last week with the episode about Leckie’s breakdown. Tonight’s episode begins with a glammed-up version of “Fringe’s” Anna Torv as a horny Hollywood actress, if that’s any incentive to tune in tonight. * “Breaking Bad” hit a new season low as well. At least it beat “Kirstie Alley’s Big Life.” * “Cold Case” slipped a hit but was still last Sunday’s top-rated scripted show.
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