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Have you seen this KICK ASS music video? You know those ex-MUSLIMS now called THE SOFT PACK

Hey folks, Harry here with an actual music video that the former Music Video Station known as MTV sent me today. I have to say - it felt rather nice to get an email from MTV saying, "Here's a new Music Video" - wish their station did more of that. Sadly, that isn't what MTV does anymore... but their groovy MTV NEW MEDIA team teamed up with Mean Magazine's Kashy Kahledi to create a music video from the band SOFT PACK (named after the roll of socks that apparently some Lesbians stuff in their pants to emulate being hung - according to Yoko, who just told me, "NO - it's like a dildo they put in their pants, like a strap-on" TALKBACKERS - get to the bottom of this Soft Pack / Lesbian source thing!). While I don't think the video is the best - I do like that they used talent from the film to create something original. What do you folks think?

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