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And the best Video you're likely to see today is narrated by Neil Gaiman & Animated by Charles Vess! My that was a quick click!

Hey folks, Harry here with something that isn't set to be a film, at least not yet. Our buddy, Massawyrm sent this link to Neil Gaiman's Blog where he posted a promotional piece that is simply so much more beautiful than that. Imagine you're at your favorite supercool bookstore to hear a live reading from Neil Gaiman... a select piece he wrote for just such gatherings of enthusiasts. Now imagine that a friend gave you special magic cookies that once you ate them, you could envision what Gaiman was saying... but specifically as Charles Vess would illustrate and paint it. That is some special magic cookies - and this is just such a dream. It is all to support Neil's latest book called INSTRUCTIONS. From the preview below, I anticipate some may want to pre-order - which you can do below the YouTube piece. Where you can see the book and the release date. I can't wait to get this!

This is coming out April 27th - Pre-Order from AMAZON here

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