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Here's A Clear Look At HaleyFreddy From The New NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET!!

Merrick again... Seems the article below may've actually attained their Freddy image from THIS THREAD over at the Superhero Hype forums, where a contributor initially posted the pic (which is evidently a & highly brightened/enhanced screen grab from one of the film's trailers/commercials, now making the rounds). The HorrorBid post we linked out to doesn't make the pic's origin as clear as it probably should've been, so we wanted to make sure credit was given where credit is due. >>> ORIGINAL ARTICLE FOLLOWS <<<

Merrick here...
HorrorBid has our first CLEAR look at the Face of Platinum Dunes' Freddy - as played by Jackie Earle Haley.
You can find a larger version HERE. The movie hits April 30. Really curious to see how this shakes out. I've heard some negative things about the movie, but have also heard it's evertything you could hope for from A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET film. Not sure who to trust, but I'm going in with an open mind. I do think Haley is pretty awesome casting and I'm looking forward to seeing how he spins this role.
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