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The Easter Bunny brought us Mr. Plinkett's ATTACK OF THE CLONES review!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here taking a break from wrapping up my WonderCon coverage to point you in the direction of Red Letter Media's newest reviews. If you're not familiar with Mr. Plinkett and are wondering why the hell I'd post a 90 minute video review of an 8 year old movie then you obviously haven't seen his 70 minute long review of The Phantom Menace. It's okay. Over a million people have, but you can still catch up. Start here and watch all 7 parts. You won't regret it. Red Letter Media's Mr. Plinkett is an inspired character who is equal parts entertaining and insightful. What I loved about his Phantom Menace review is that it didn't devolve into "Jar Jar Sucks!" fanboy shit. We all know Jar Jar sucks, but what Plinkett does in that review is so much more. It's a deconstruction of the whole movie, down to basic faults of character and structure and first draft-level inconsistencies. It's been a long time coming, but Plinkett has finally walled up his latest ex-wife and had time to review Attack of the Clones. I don't think this series is as great as the last run, but I still got a lot of laughs out of it. I've embedded all 9 parts below! Enjoy and make sure to comment if you want a pizza roll...

If nothing else his montage of Yoda's speech on the Force from Empire intercut with Lucas' direct contradictions in the prequels is glorious. That is exactly why I can't ever enjoy the prequels as a whole and why I personally choose to not even acknowledge them as part of the Star Wars universe. Hope you guys get a laugh from this while zonked out on Easter candy and/or post-mass delirium! Happy holidays! -Quint Follow Me On Twitter

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