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People: Charlie Sheen Quitting Megahit TWO AND A HALF MEN!! TMZ: Not So Fast, People!!

I am – Hercules!! What's Emilio Estevez up to these days? Insanely rich TV star Charlie Sheen, whose contract with “Two and a Half Men” runs out at the end of this season, is quitting the sitcom for good in a matter of days, according to People Magazine sources:
“Charlie’s just done,” says a set source. “And he’s quietly telling his friends he’s not coming back.” Although sources say the network hoped the star would sign a new contract for an eighth season, Sheen recently turned down the offer. “He wants to move on,” says a friend of the actor, whose contract is fulfilled after he tapes this season’s 22nd episode. “Leaving is 100 percent his idea.”
TMZ's sources, however, see Sheen's words as a routine negotiating tactic. “Men” and its Monday-night partner, “The Big Bang Theory,” are CBS’ highest-rated series and the highest-rated sitcoms on TV:

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