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Movie News

Matthew Vaughn Gets BLOODSHOT!

Beaks here...

More Monday morning scoopage from Latino Review! Now they're reporting that Matthew Vaughn plans to follow up the savagely brilliant KICK-ASS with an adaptation of the Valiant graphic novel BLOODSHOT. If you can make it past three paragraphs of Mark Millar bashing, you'll learn that BLOODSHOT is "about a reanimated government assassin killing machine named Angelo." I've never read it, but two seconds of research reveals that the Kevin VanHook series has been praised as an "intelligent and bloody action story with strong sci-fi themes." Apparently, it looks like this...

According to LR's source, Vaughn will write the screenplay with frequent collaborator Jane Goldman. He will also finance the film himself, as he rather ballsily did with KICK-ASS. Right now, I'm on board with anything Vaughn wants to do - and when you see KICK-ASS this April, I think you will be, too.

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