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Are you a Mean Talkbacker? One of the seriously nasty evil bastards? The New York Times would like to speak to you!

Hey folks, Harry here with an unusual request. I get contacted to comment on a lot of different subjects on a daily basis here at AICN. For example - yesterday I did a multi-hour interview for a Documentary upon THE CREEPING TERROR - and passionately did so. It is part of being known publicly. That said, it is the first time I've been asked to see if I could get some of the angriest, nastiest talkbackers in the history of this site to ANONYMOUSLY contact her. Do so here! Before contacting you may want to find links to a couple of your crimes against humanity. Perhaps this is your chance to come out of whatever closeted hell you have been raging out against... or maybe you just want to turn that festering hate towards a reporter for the "evil" New York Times. But she's really trying to understand - why are you so mad?

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