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A Poster And A Trailer For THE SQUARE...

Merrick here...
...with a look at the teaser trailer and one sheet for THE SQUARE. This one's about "a secret affair", "a ruthless betrayal", and "a brutal revenge". Here's the trailer...

THE SQUARE Official Trailer from The Square on Vimeo.

...and here's an EMBIGGENABLE poster with a quote from some guy.

My woman's gonna be all over this one. If I show her this trailer, I'll never hear the end of it until she's seen this film at least twice. She's all about movies and TV shows involving secrets and betrayals and whatnot - which means I should watch my back, I suppose. No word yet on the film's release (beyond its April 9 opening in New York and LA) - hopefully we'll soon have news on when this'll hit screens widely. Until then, the movie's website can be found HERE.
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