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@@@@ What the #$%! is AICN COMICS: Comic Book Evolution? @@@@

AICN COMICS: Comic Book Evolution gives us a chance to pull back the curtain and take a look at the inner workings of how your favorite comics are made from the mouths of the artists and writers who conceived them.
Be sure to look for more AICN COMICS as we gaze into the future of comics every week with AICN COMICS: SPINNER RACK PREVIEWS every Monday and then join the rest of your favorite @$$Holes for their opinions on the weekly pull every Wednesday with AICN COMICS REVIEWS!


Top Cow would like to present two new voices in our universe, co-writers Rob Levin and Bryan Hill, the gents responsible for BROKEN TRINITY: PANDORA'S BOX and more work to come. We asked them to tell us WHAT THEY KNOW ABOUT EVERYTHING (so far...) and here's the best of what they had to say.

ROB LEVIN Writer. Los Angeles, CA. Follow him: @roblevin

You have to get it done before you can worry about it being perfect.
Comics are about iconography. Not Superman's S or Batman's symbol, but finding the most iconic visual elements of a sequence and using those as your engine. Your work defines you. Most people that read my writing don't know who I am, so I'm hoping they just assume I'm the baddest character in one of my stories.
There are few drinks smoother than Captain and Coke, but Seagram's Sweet Tea is a hell of an alternate.
Music and exercise have secret medicinal properties. Never run without your iPod.
I'm not the writer I want to be, but I'm getting closer with every page.
Your opinion is the only one that matters, just as long as you're right.

BRYAN HILL Writer. Filmmaker. (32) Saint Louis, Mo. Follow him: @bryanedwardhill

Years ago I had a cup of coffee with an NYPD homicide detective to learn about how crimes happen. He told me "how things happen doesn't matter. Learn why things happen." That's probably the best advice I've ever been given about writing.
The price of comics has a lot to do with the passion. Comic books were the first stories I could afford to buy with my own money. That made those stories mean that much more. It also makes me work my ass off for the people buying what I write. If someone's babysitting to afford my book, then I need to work at least as hard as they do.
Writers tend to create the women we wished we knew in real life, or just really awesome versions of our prettiest grade school teacher. Mine was Marsha Gold. She taught French. Oil dark hair and blue eyes. She always smelled like jasmine. You'll see her in my work a lot.
I've had a gun pressed against my head. I don't think you need to go through that to be a good writer, that's obviously not true. It does make it very hard for me to be intimidated by someone who's not trying to kill me.
I like to improv a scene before I write it. My wife often times finds me standing in my office, talking to myself, pretending to be at least two different people.I also use props. I have a closet full of replica guns and swords.
You can pretty much get through any situation by taking a step back and thinking to yourself, 'What Would James Bond Do?'
The eleven year old kid in me really loves a good splash page.

Rob Levin and Bryan Hill’s BROKEN TRINITY: PANDORA'S BOX, launches on February 24. It's a lead-in series for Top Cow’s summer event, ARTIFACTS.

Editing, compiling, imaging, coding, logos & cat-wrangling by Ambush Bug Proofs, co-edits & common sense provided by Sleazy G

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