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Now, Let's Go See Roman Polanski's THE GHOST WRITER at the Alamo South next Wednesday!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... Mr Beaks has been raving to me about THE GHOST WRITER, he compares it to Scorsese's latest, SHUTTER ISLAND - as an example of two of our great filmmakers exercising a level of vitality and youth in their work that is just exciiting and fantastic to watch. I'm very happy that AICN & FANTASTIC FEST can bring this film early. Just look at the cast: Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Olivia Williams, Kim Cattrall, Timothy Hutton, Eli Wallach, James Belushi and Tom Wilkinson! I can't wait to see Polanski return to the thriller/mystery genre! The screening is next Wednesday, February 17th at 7:30pm at the Alamo South. So - how do you get in? This screening is for you and a guest. Like the HOT TUB TIME MACHINE screening, this will be 1st come, 1st served. Send an email to: HK at AintItCool.Com with the following exact headline: I Wish Polanski Were Coming Too!!! Write it exactly like that - so it goes to the right email folder. I'll update this page with the results once it is filled - and additional details... See you next Wednesday!

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