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TWISTER 2: Twistin' The Night Away?!?!?

Hey folks, Harry here - Take this with a pretty healthy dose of salt. Not that I don't believe the following person - just that... well, the studio hasn't signed on yet, there's no script, no director, and is little more than a pitch by Bill Paxton at this point, but there's merit to this as a story because honestly... if there's a TWISTER 2: Weather Boogaloo, it would probably come from some tangible sense of excitement that the film could conjure. Now, I really happen to have quite a fond spot for TWISTER. It was a tremendous financial success. And I agree with Paxton, that 3D would be quite something for a film concerning Tornadoes and crazy effin' weather. And it is a natural because.... that team would continue to pursue storms till their dying day. That said, I say let's give the reins to Bill Paxton, himself, as director. His work thus far has been pretty extraordinary - and since he seems to have an actual passion and desire to tell a story with a sequel... well, hot damn, a sequel with inspiration ... well, that'd be an inspiration, eh? Maybe this time though... they could have like some crazy BOMB type of thing that they need to explode up the tornado before it rips into a town. LOL. Hey, last time it was ping pong balls...

Gentlemen... I spoke with Bill Paxton yesterday in conjunction with the upcoming season premiere of HBO's "Big Love," and when I asked him about the other projects on which he's hoping to work, he threw me for a loop when he said that he's jazzed about the idea of doing a sequel to "Twister." Click Here For Original Story “I’ve had a meeting at the studio with Kathleen Kennedy about it,” Paxton said, whose inspiration for a sequel came as a result of a trip that he took to the Ozark Mountains last spring. “I flew into St. Louis with my buddy Scott Thomson, who played Preacher in ‘Twister,’ and we rented a car and drove down to southeastern Missouri, into the Ozarks,” said Paxton. “We spent the night, and the next morning we got up and we started tracking the trail of the most famous tornado that ever hit the country, which was the Tri-State Tornado of 1925. It still holds all of the records. It was called the Tri-State because it was a mile wide when it came down from the sky on the afternoon of March 16, 1925, and it was a rural area, but, boy, before it was through, it crossed the Mississippi, it cut across southern Illinois, where it hit a lot of towns. The biggest one was Murphysboro, which was…it literally looked like Hiroshima after it hit. And then it went across the Wabash, into Indiana, staying on the ground three and a half hours and cutting a damage path 219 miles long, killing about 700 people. There’s actually footage that I found in Murphysboro at their historical society. They had footage from a biplane that the government sent down, just to do aerial footage of all of the destruction and the damage. So we just did that to kind of get some ideas, and from that I kind of extrapolated an idea for a sequel. And I kind of put that together into a format, and now we’re kind of waiting to see if that’s going to move forward.That would need Steven Spielberg’s blessing, ultimately, and they probably won’t take it to him ‘til there’s real studio interest, but I think the 3D applications of that could obviously be pretty amazing. “The only reason I’d like to revisit that ground is because I realize we’re living in a time where big movies cost so much to make that the town is looking for built-in audiences,” admitted Paxton. “Of course, I’m so glad to see that the success of ‘Avatar’ is disproving that theory, but…I always thought the first ‘Twister’ was an exciting ride, but I thought a sequel could explore it in a more enthralling way, getting into more of the history and the lore, more of a darker version of the first one.” Although it may sound more serious than the original “Twister,” Paxton doesn’t think that fans of the first film would have any problem accepting the sequel. “I think you’d still want to have a lot of the dark humor and all of that, with the flying cows and everything,” he said, with a laugh. “I think you could kind of intrigue people more by getting into a little more of the lore and really understanding. I just think there’s a lot more to explore there. When I researched the first film when I was getting ready to do it, I just found so much stuff. Ultimately, I was happy with ‘Twister,’ but I also had thought that it could’ve gotten a little deeper into it.” What you do you think? I can’t say I’ve been chomping at the bit for “Twister 2,” but Paxton has proven in the past that he can make just about anything worth watching, and his point about how such a film would be perfect for 3D is certainly food for thought. Best, WILL HARRIS Associate Editor /

So - what do you think, would you like to see another TWISTER - and if so - what would you like for it to be?

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