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UPDATED AGAIN!! EW Confirms The Cast of SURVIVOR: HEROES VS. VILLAINS Is The One TV Fanatic Posted!!

WEDNESDAY NIGHT UPDATE!! Entertainment Weekly says TV Fanatic's cast list was the real cast list! Find its coverage here. MONDAY NIGHT UPDATE!! We got this from CBS shortly after our original post appeared:
The story on is incorrect. We have NOT revealed the cast yet.
Does this mean TV Fanatic got the cast wrong, or merely that CBS hasn't officially announced this cast? We won't have to wait long to find out. The season launches Feb. 11. On Saturday night I'm attending a big "Survivor" event on CBS' Television City lot in Hollywood. If the "Heroes Vs. Villains" cast is revealed that evening, expect a tweet on Twitter! ORIGINAL POST: I am – Hercules!! Lots of players back for a third chance at a million dollars. (In the case of two-time “Survivor” loser and two-time “Amazing Race” loser Rob Mariano, a fifth chance at a million!) The 20 returnees, arranged chronologically by debut seasons: Colby Donaldson, 36 'The Australian Outback' (Season 2) (2nd place); 'All-Stars' (Season 8) (12th place) Jerri Manthey, 38 'The Australian Outback' (Season 2) (8th place); 'All-Stars' (Season 8) (10th place) Rob "Boston Rob" Mariano, 34 'Marquesas' (Season 4) (10th place); 'All-Stars' (Season 8) (2nd place) Rupert Boneham, 45 'Pearl Islands' (Season 7) (8th place); 'All-Stars' (Season 8) (4th place) Sandra Diaz-Twine, 35 'Pearl Islands' (Season 7) (winner) Stephenie LaGrossa, 30 'Palau' (Season 10) (7th place); 'Guatemala' (Season 11) (2nd place) Tom Westman, 45 'Palau' (Season 10) (winner) Danielle DiLorenzo, 28 'Panama' (Season 12) (2nd place) Cirie Fields, 39 'Panama' (Season 12) (4th place); 'Micronesia' (Season 16) (3rd place) Parvati Shallow, 27 'Cook Islands' (Season 13) (6th place); 'Micronesia' (Season 16) (winner) Candice Woodcock, 27 'Cook Islands' (Season 13) (8th place) James Clement, 32 'China' (Season 15) (7th place); 'Micronesia' (Season 16) (7th place (injury)) Amanda Kimmel, 25 ‘China' (Season 15) (3rd place); 'Micronesia' (Season 16) (2nd place) Courtney Yates, 28 'China' (Season 15) (2nd place) Randy Bailey, 50 'Gabon' (Season 17) (8th place) Jessica "Sugar" Kiper, 30 'Gabon' (Season 17) (3rd place) James "J.T." Thomas, 25 'Tocantins' (Season 18) (winner) Tyson Apostol, 29 'Tocantins' (Season 18) (8th place) Ben "Coach" Wade, 38 'Tocantins' (Season 18) (5th place) Russell Hantz, 36 'Samoa' (Season 19) (2nd place) Find what they all look like, whether they’re heroes or villains and why we should remember them here. “Survivor” returns Feb. 11 on CBS.
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