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UK trailer for Ridley Scott's ROBIN HOOD is the better trailer

Hey folks, Harry here with a UK trailer for Ridley Scott's ROBIN HOOD starring Russell Crowe as Sir Robin. As many of you know, tied as my favorite film of all time is Michael Curtiz's THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD with Errol Flynn. It is a movie I can watch without pause at any given moment. I love the movie for the lush 3 strip Technicolor, the lavish sets and costumes, the dialogue, the cast, the swordfights, the archery - and most of all the tone of the film and Erich Wolfgang Korngold's brilliant score. As a result, I always have a problem with these "realistic" versions of what I have always considered a fantasy character. I know historically it was a filthy time, that it would all be fire lit and a very shadowy world - but I prefer the brightness of the Flynn film - the cheerfulness in the face of terrible times... the optimism of adventure. Through the trailer, you can immediately tell this is a very somber looking affair. I'm curious as can be about this film, as it changed quite a bit through development, and it certainly looks better to me than Costner's version. I'm hopeful. I'd love a great epic version of the Robin Hood story - but much like my other favorite film of all time, the 1933 KING KONG, while I'm quite fond of Peter's... I doubt seriously my fave films have any chance of being supplanted by the latest remake. Click here to visit UK Yahoo and ROBIN HOOD!

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