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Movie News

Grab your Crack Pipe & Iguana - AICN is hosting Herzog's BAD LIEUTENANT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS at Drafthouse!!!

Hey folks, Harry here with our ticket giveaway to the absolute bugnuts awesomely insane Werner Herzog explosion of what-the-fuck... known as BAD LIEUTENANT: PORT OF CALL NEW ORLEANS at the Alamo Drafthouse South at 7:30pm Thursday, November 19th!!! SO... How do you get in? Email me at hk at with the following exact subject line: I want to see Iguanas like that Bad Lieutenant!!! You must have that EXACTLY - or else your email will not even be seen. In the body of the email - Put the full names of you and your guests... Limit of 2 tickets per entry. Meanwhile, here's a peek:

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