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Details On The Paul W.S. Anderson Produced DEATH RACE: FRANKENSTEIN LIVES!!

Merrick here...
SpoilerTV has a breakdown of casting & plot details for DEATH RACE: FRANKENSTEIN LIVES. Written by Tony Giglio, the film will be produced by Paul W.S. Anderson and longtime cohort Jeremy Bolt. No word on a director yet. The new characters include Carl "Luke" Lucas ("handsome and confident, with a hint of danger"), September Jones ("When ratings for her gladiator-style television show begin plummeting, September is quick to come up with the "Death Race" concept" ) , Lists ("nicknamed "Lists" because he's a font of information about almost any subject, quickly spewing lists of details"), and 14K ("combination of Bruce Lee and Genghis Khan"). All of this, and much more, can be found by jumping over to SpoilerTV HERE! I sure did hate P W.S. A's DEATH RACE remake...which seemed to miss the point of the concept I've no love at all for the notion of a follow-up. I blame folks like my buddy Chris, who actually liked the damn thing (which I don't understand - he's usually a very rational, intelligent person). This is all his fault.

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