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Want to see ROBOGEISHA Actress Cay Izumi Perform a Michael Jackson Tribute Pole Dance at Fantastic Fest 2009's MJ Dance Party?

Hey folks, Harry here and sometimes you have friends that make you aware of things, for which you feel proud that they were your friend in that moment of need. In this case, the friend was Johnny Wad and when he shot me his tip that at this:

The above video is of Fantastic Fest honored early exclusive look at ROBOGEISHA's lovely actress and performance dancer Cay Izumi performing a Michael Jackson Tribute Pole Dance in the midst of Fantastic Fest's Michael Jackson Tribute Party! Actress Cay Izumi, who just days before I saw in an astonishing live katanna battle barely attired whilst Alamo Drafthouse founder Tim League bled from the right ass cheek whilst dancing as a pseudo Sumo Samurai celebration dance with the director, writer and producer of ROBOGEISHA... because, that's how we do post film foreign language film Q&A's at FANTASTIC FEST where it is... always with the solemn pledge of Dignity, Brilliance & Class - at all times CHAOS REIGNS!!! Yes, in honor of this mighty pledge to the film programming and exhibiting gods that I, Harry Knowles, co-founder of FANTASTIC FEST presents all of you - this token of the fantastic at FANTASTIC FEST! Ponder well.

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