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Roland Emmerich's TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION (2012) - 5 Bugnuts Insane Wholly Beetledick Wow Minutes!

Hey folks, Harry here with my pick for movie I'm most looking forward to being driven absolutely happy nuts for... 2012 aka TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION! This movie looks completely unlike all the other make it go boom big movies. There's just a FUCK IT! LET'S KILL IT ALL! Feeling that just thrills me. Driving that limo through the end times of Los Angeles is absolutely absurd. The drive train would DIE on that car so quickly it wouldn't be funny... but ya know what? Fuck that. Fuck logic. It is the biggest case of "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK" I've seen in a very long time, done by a master of that goofy sensation! Just imagine this... on a giant screen. With an audience going insane with the film. I seriously hope this movie lives up to the destruction we've seen so far.

Witness Chaos Reigns!!!

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