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BLACK DYNAMITE Will Explode All Over A Theater Near You This Fall!!

Merrick here...
At the last Sundance festival, a blaxploitation riff called BLACK DYNAMITE got a bit of attention. While it's been understood the film would eventually receive some form of broader theatrical release, recent machinations re: companies, acquisitions, etc. made some wonder whether such plans were still in place. Indeed, they are...
The blaxploitation spoof bowed in Sundance's Midnight section this year and was bought by Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions Group, which handles all domestic ancillaries for Apparition's releases. In this case, Sony brought Apparition one of their titles to distribute theatrically. [EDIT] Pic will have a platform release starting on Oct. 16.
...explains Variety HERE. NOTE that the trailer embedded below is NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK.

You can find the film's official website HERE. Who would win in a fight between Black Dynamite and Machete?

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