Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News


Merrick here...
We've heard that Bobby and Peter Farrelly are ramping up to make their THREE STOOGES movie. At one point, I remember hearing that this would basically be a THREE STOOGES movie - a feature length jamboree of dopey, dipshit stuff - rather than a biopic. Don't know if that ever was (or still is) the plan. We've also heard that the likely cast for the Stooges appeared to be Jim Carrey as Curly, Benicio Del Toro as Moe, and Sean Penn as Larry. Seems this isn't exactly the case. The only Stooge who's still a Stooge at this point is Benicio.
Peter Farrelly told us that Paul Giamatti has signed on to replace Sean Penn as Larry. [EDIT] Playing Moe will be Benicio Del Toro, one Hollywood's biggest "Three Stooges" fans. [EDIT] There had been reports that Jim Carrey would utter Curly's signature "n'yuk, n'yuk, n'yuk,'' but it's not so.
...reveals The Boston Globe HERE. They oughta cast Kevin Spacey as Shemp, a wannabe/poser Stooge who keeps crashing the real Stooge's hijinx (a la IncrediBoy to Mr. incredible in THE INCREDIBLES).

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