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Ridley Scott And Leonardo DiCaprio Look Towards Their BRAVE NEW WORLD...

Merrick here...
I haven't heard how this'll play into Ridley's development of ALIEN 5, PEOPLE 0 (or whatever it's name is), but it looks like Ridely Scott is inching closer to taking on an adaptation of Aldous Huxley’s BRAVE NEW WORLD (HERE) with Leonardo DiCaprio.
The director who helmed “Blade Runner” will take on one of the most highly regarded dystopian works of literature, Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World.” The project has been set up at Universal, where Scott will produce the project with an eye to direct. His sometimes collaborator Leonardo DiCaprio, meanwhile, will produce with an eye to star. The studio has brought on “Apocalypto” scribe Farhad Safinia to pen the script; he’s expected to begin working shortly.
...says Steven Zeitchik over art THR's RiskyBusinesBlog. This project has been mumbled about for some time now, so such news doesn't come as a complete surprise. This information does, however, suggest the duo's eventual interpretation of Huxley’s work is looking a bit more likely. For those unfamiliar with the piece, a detailed synopsis can be located HERE. BRAVE NEW WORLD was previously adapted as a 1980 TV movie starring 2001's Keir Dullea, which looked something like this:
...and as a TV movie in 1998 starring Leonard Nimoy.

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