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Beaks here...

Even though the last installment was the lowest grossing film in the series, it looks like Tom Cruise and J.J. Abrams (and Paramount) are game for more MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE! According to a report in a trade publication (which lifted this story from Spoiler TV, which was lifted from TV Guide...), MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE IV would be co-produced by Cruise and Abrams and in theaters by 2011. Interestingly, there's not a word about Cruise starring in this film or Abrams directing it, so who knows what they're cooking up? Right now, Abrams is busy getting the next STAR TREK ready for production, while Cruise is signed for an untitled James Mangold drama at 20th Century Fox and David Cronenberg's THE MATARESE CIRCLE for MGM (which will co-star Denzel Washington). In other words, unless one or two of Cruise's projects falls apart over the next few months ('cuz STAR TREK is a go picture), 2011 sounds like a pipe dream. Though I wasn't a fan of MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE III, I do think that they were right in making it more of a team film than the first two movies. This time out, they need to go even further with that concept and give Cruise a formidable co-star. What do you guys think? Are you ready for more MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE?

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