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FRIDAY THE 13TH PART 2 3-D? In The Snow? With Better Kills?

Beaks here...

There's big Platinum Dunes news coming out of last week's A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET set visit in Chicago, and the majority of it is centered on the company's forthcoming sequel to FRIDAY THE 13TH. And while you'd think making a FRIDAY THE 13TH sequel would be as simple as racking pool balls, PD producers Brad Fuller and Andrew Form are aware that they've got to up the ante in a number of areas if they've any hope of topping the first film - which stalled out at $65 million domestic (and $90 million worldwide) after hauling in $40 million over President's Day weekend. According to three different reports from HitFix, ShockTilYouDrop, CHUD, Collider and Cinematical, Fuller and Form are demanding more inventive kills from screenwriters Mark Swift and Damian Shannon. Evidently, they've been reading comments from a variety of movie websites, and realize that they might've come up a bit short in this department (my only request would be for less CG blood). So expect grislier/gristlier kills from the next movie. And rejoice, ye dark of heart! The other major alteration sounds like it'll be with the location. Rather than steal every last nugget of information from the above-linked reports (which you should definitely read), I'll just say that it looks like a wintry setting could be in the offing for Mr. Voorhees (Fuller and Form also have ideas on whether Jason should return to space). Finally, if you're expecting FRIDAY THE 13TH to go 3-D... well, unless Warner Bros. and New Line up the budget for this second film (to the tune of an additional $7 million), you can forget about it. According to Fuller, they'll probably be getting the same amount of money to make the second film as they did the first, and he has no intention on cutting corners in production to allot for the extra $$$ it takes to go the 3-D route. Would they love to do PART 2 in 3-D? Absolutely. And do I think Fulller is cleverly lobbying for extra cash through the press? Um, no, I'm sure he'd never do such a thing. Ryan Rotten at ShockTilYouDrop has an extra story up regarding other Platinum Dunes projects like THE BIRDS, THE BUTCHERHOUSE CHRONICLES and ROSEMARY'S BABY. Sounds like they've cooled off on the Hitchcock and Polanski remakes.

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