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TERMINATOR 5's Setting Might Be...

Merrick here...
THIS post over at Bleeding Cool claims to have a scoop regarding the setting for the next (fifth) TERMINATOR film currently being mulled by McG & minions. /film recently validated Bleeding Cool's sourcing on the matter (HERE). We'd already heard the film's concept could well involve future Skynet mech rolling into our time, and that Robert Patrick might appear in the film as a doctor/scientist whose work is ultimately perverted into the mercury-like/shape-shifting tech later utilized by Terminators. So, where might all of this go down?
...the sequel to Terminator: Salvation, will be set in London in the year 2011, with a time-travelling John Connor (Christian Bale).
...says Bleeding Cool. Will McG's proposed invasion from tomorrow take place in a London strongly evoking REIGN OF FIRE - another burned out future featuring The Bale?

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