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Cheap Trick posts their new TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN epic bit of ruleage!

Hey folks, Harry here... One of the myriad of problematic issues that Bay's first TRANSFORMERS had - was that there wasn't a song as awesomely badass as there was in cartoon movie. C'mon Michael - you've got Aerosmith on speed dial. SURELY you know somebody that can create a badass TRANSFORMERS rock tribute song? Cue: TRANSFORMERS 2. A film that is bigger at every conceivable level from all reports - and from what I hear... it has stronger characters and action and story. But that's not important. What about our fucking song? I wasn't very excited about the line-up of bands on the TRANSFORMERS 2 album, until I saw that CHEAP TRICK had created a TRANSFORMERS Fallen anthem type of thing. It leaked online briefly earlier this week, but by the time I saw a link, it was already removed. So today... TODAY! Cheap Trick posted the song on YOUTUBE themselves and here you go... is it worthy of our Giant Fucking Robots? I think this fucking Cheap Trick song could get a geek laid, what about you?

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