Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

The Nominee For Coolest Auteur / Project Of The Immediate Future?

Hey folks, Harry here... You know how cool this news is? I'm sitting her watching Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon, and I think this news is so cool, that I'm allowing myself to be distracted by writing about this news, rather than continue on with Trek3. But dammit, Martin Scorsese directing a Biopic of Frank Sinatra? To be written by Phil Alden Robinson? And entrusted to the memory and legacy of Frank Sinatra? Fucking Drool! In the Variety article they said that the Actor playing Sinatra wouldn't have to be a crooner - as it is Sinatra's actual voice and recordings will be used, because there ain't nobody that can swing song like Sinatra! Now, we know a lot about Sinatra's life. There are many good books concerning his legendary life... but I almost would want something grander than life, Sinatra deserves to be truly legendary. It's like making a Biopic of James Dean, Marlon Brando, John Wayne... these guys are our demigods of old let's hear a song about a man called Sinatra. Something fitting for a legend. The real question now is who to play him? I don't know, but I'm thinking Mark Wahlberg. What about you?

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