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Many a detail on THE ROAD, and a few photos too, from an Esquire writer who has seen it!!!

Hey everyone. Capone in Chicago here. If you're able to pry yourself away from the cover pictorial on Megan Fox in the June issue of Esquire, you may also notice a little blurb next to her left elbow that says that some lucky bastard at that magazine has already seen the long-delayed THE ROAD, based on the book by Cormac McCarthy, directed by Australia's John Hillcoat (THE PROPOSITION), and starring Viggo Mortensen. I suppose that it's good news that the film finally got a 2009 release date; the bad news is that we have to wait until October 16. I guess means that the powers that be at Dimension think the film might have awards potential. I don't care; I just want to see the damn thing. A web editor over at Esquire must have seen my interview with Mortensen from last October, and kindly sent along a link to Esquire's extensive write-up on THE ROAD, featuring a great deal of praise. I think their headline speaks volumes. According to Esquire, only about four media outlets have seen the full finished film as yet--I hate and envy you all. Looks great from where I'm sitting. What do you think? -- Capone

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