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Ryan thinks you should all get some GOOD DICK!

Hey folks, Harry here... Couldn't resist putting this one up - if nothing else for the excuse to write the above title. Just felt right, ya know? Anyway, don't know about the film - but it certainly won Ryan over.... Here, see for yourself...

Harry, Ryan here. Long time reader/site visitor. I recently took part in the 2009 Salem Film Festival. I was lucky enough to see a movie called Good Dick.... yeah, bear with me. It was made in 2008. Written and directed by actress Marianna Palka, produced by her and her boyfriend (Jason Ritter, John Ritter's son) and produced by the both of them for $200,000. I was even luckier to watch it with the both of them. I have to point out my favorite thing about the whole movie - It doesn't feel like a new movie. It feels like it was plucked straight out of the 90's indy film movement. After watching it, I felt the same as after I watched Chasing Amy for the first time - that I had just viewed something truly special. A very original romantic movie with quirky characters that can be enjoyed by both women and the husbands/boyfriends that they dragged along with them. Marianna plays a shut-in daughter of a rich guy. She doesn't pay her bills, or anything - everything is taken care of by daddy. She only leaves her apartment to rent armloads of porn from a video store called CineFile. Jason plays a clerk at said store who falls in love with her instantly. He tries to talk to her, but she blankly stares at him. So he does something about it. He writes down her address and goes to her apartment where they meet and after a short time he eventually moves into her apartment (out of his car). Even then, there is no sex, no touching, no kissing, no NOTHING. She ignores him. He gently pushes her to break free of her fear of society and anything sexual until things fall apart and she must get her shit together on her own and face the skeletons of her childhood closet. The movie is available for $20 on the website GoodDick and all $20 of that goes to Jason and Marianna. You must see this movie Harry. This is the kind of movie that no movie lover should miss. I will be purchasing a copy soon. If you like, I will send you a copy as well. I know that if you like it and write about it then this movie will be seen by more movie lovers and it certainly deserves that. Take care. -Ryan (AICN User DrunkyMcLush)
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