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The HUMPTY DUMPTY Movie Sounds Way Cooler Than You'd Think...

Merrick here...
David R. Ellis looks to be the director of HUMPTY DUMPTY. You might not be familiar with Ellis' name, but you've almost certainly seen his work. He served in various "stunt" capacities on NBC's two V miniseries, DAYS OF THUNDER, PATRIOT GAMES, STAR TREK V: THE FINAL FRONTIER, MEGAFORCE (woo hoo!), and more. He was also Second Unit Director on MASTER AND COMMANDER, THE MATRIX RELOADED, CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER, etc. And, unfortunately, he directed SNAKES ON A PLANE.
The 3-D sci-fi horror pic is about a half-human, half-alien creature who embarks on a murderous rampage after his alien mother is abused by two rednecks in the Deep South.
...says THIS ARTICLE in Variety. I'm guessing the "half-human, half-alien creature" will be something along the lines of "Pumpkinhead" - whose design didn't exactly scream "pumpkin". BUT, if the filmmakers somehow manage to cobble together a vengeful, blood-thirsty human/alien hybrid that manages to evoke this?
How can this project go wrong? In many ways, probably. But we can hope, can't we?

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