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Moriarty with some strange-buttocks casting from around Hollywood. RE: Lots of projects

Well Moriarty here has quite a bit of casting and directing bits that... well, ya know each and every choice just feels... bizarre a bit, but ya know... Hey, that's Hollywood. After his report I have one that I'm sure the old Professor hasn't seen yet himself...

Hey, Head Geek...

"Moriarty" here.

As usual, I have various henchmen always out doing my bidding. Tonight, though, I don't know what to think of the various tidbits they've dropped in my lap.

I will admit I'm excited about Nicholas Cage starring in STEINBECK'S POINT OF VIEW. He'd be perfect for it, and it would be a chance for him to really act again. Maybe this is how Warners is handling that $20 million pay-or-play for SUPERMAN. If so, nice job.

But you tell me... what should I think of THE SIX BILLION DOLLAR MAN with the Farrelly Brothers attached to update the '70s TV classic?

What should I think of Bill Murray as Bosley in the CHARLIE'S ANGELS update feature?

What am I supposed to make of a Robert Zemeckis film called THE FLY that's about an adult superhero who is only mentally 14 years old, and who takes on the appearance of a fly? And what am I supposed to think when I hear that Will Smith is attached?

Is it any more frightening than the prospect that Adam Sandler has finally signed on to that HARVEY remake?

Or what about Eddie Murphy in a remake of the Peter Sellers film (based on a great satirical novel) THE MOUSE THAT ROARED? Sure would indulge his love of multiple roles, but it's a strange one, even with Frank Oz attached as director.

Speaking of directors, doesn't Betty Thomas -- a gifted comedy director -- seem like an odd choice for THE STARS MY DESTINATION?

I mean, Neil LaBute seems much more suited to a JACKIE GLEASON biopic, but even that's a strange change from the king of mean.

Personally, I'll go apeshit if it's true that Raja (HOME ALONE 3, NEVER BEEN KISSED) Gosnell is attached to direct FANTASTIC FOUR. What, Fox? You don't want to make any money at all? Just keep it up.

Finally, let me just ask if seeing De Niro sign on as an actor and producer on TRICK MONKEY, David Blaine's semi-autobiographical film, means we're any closer to actually seeing the thing on film. I am a fan of Blaine's and can't wait until this film finally starts rolling.

Anyway, I don't think I'm going to think about this anymore tonight. Instead, I think I'm going to lie down.

Sandler... HARVEY... *shudder*

"Moriarty" out.

Holy shit, Moriarty. You actually stirred a physical reaction of revulsion with that Sandler shit. I guess the fart jokes and invisible shit will be in HARVEY after all. Joy.... That's what HARVEY always needed. Sigh. But never fear, I will attempt to one up the dear Professor with the current rumor on the casting of Peter Parker that Sony is contemplating. And who my that be? Who'll be playing SPIDER-MAN's alterego? Why.... the whispers say.... Nicholas Brendon (Xander from Buffy), and that's the honest buzz. Is that weird or what?

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