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Will Ralph Fiennes be the lord of the underworld in the TITANS reboot?

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Variety is reporting that Ralph Fiennes is in talks to join Louis Leterrier's CLASH OF THE TITANS remake. They say he's looking to be Hades. I haven't read the script to this new one yet, so I suppose Hades will have a role similar to Calibos in the original. Or maybe not. Maybe it's a small part and not the main villain. We know Fiennes is going to play a large part in the two volumes of HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS and is also supposed to be looking at a project called THE MEN AT THE PRU, from the dynamic duo that is Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. It's great casting if he does it, especially if Liam Neeson will be able to recover from his personal tragedy and does indeed play Zeus. I wouldn't blame him if he has to pass it up. This is a curious project for me. I'd rather see Leterrier attack a hardcore GOD OF WAR adaptation than remake the Harryhausen classic, but I love Greek myth and any chance to see it done with all the bells and whistles of a tentpole studio picture is exciting for me. Thoughts?

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